Tuesday, September 13, 2011

National call day to stop hydraulic fracturing in the U.S.A

Hydraulic fracturing, aka fracking, pollutes our air and water!

Found in my e-mail inbox today. I'm interpreting the "tell your friends" as permission to repost, but if I'm wrong, I guess Josh Fox can send me a DMCA takedown. But I really don't see any reason why he should. In any case, you should totally call, and see his awesome documentary if you haven't already!

And no, this doesn't have anything to do with literature, unless you count documentaries as a sort of audio-visual form of literature, which I suppose they are. But in any case, it's my blog, so I'll promote what I want! :-)

E-mail pasted below.

GASLAND. A Film By Josh Fox 


Dear Friends:

After participating with some very powerful and successful events at both the Tar
Sands Action [ http://www.tarsandsaction.org/josh-fox-arrested/ ] at the White House
(see video here) [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwMvcsFE3Uk&feature=share ], and
in Philadelphia at the Shale Gas Outrage Rally [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmYpUkTh0Fw& ] where 2000 people gathered to oppose
fracking, we're pleased to announce that we won an Emmy Award for Outstanding
Directing for Nonfiction Programming!  

We're thrilled that the movement is growing, and awareness is spreading about the
problems of gas drilling, but there is still much to be done. President Obama is
supportive of hydraulic fracturing, and that has us very concerned. We need to let
him know that he should be concerned too!  

*We're partnering with The National Grassroots Coalition, Credo, Food and Water
Watch, and many other organizations to make calls to President Obama and urge him to
stop hydraulic fracturing. 

*On Tuesday, September 13th, call the White House* at *202-456-1111 *or
*202-456-1414* *between 9 am and 5 pm EDT.* 

Tell them, ""Hello my name is _______ and I live in (City, State), and I oppose
hydraulic fracturing and want a sane, renewable energy policy for this country."" 

If the phone lines get jammed, send an email through the White House Contact page
here [ http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact ], Tell your friends! 

We need to let President Obama know that Americans do not want fracking! 

Thanks for all you do! Together we can turn the tide. 

Josh and the Gasland Team
[ http://gaslandthemovie.com ]